In an Aesop's tale, there was a wolf who caught a calf. The wolf said to the Calf, "Yesterday, you were the one who abused me!". The calf said, "No, yesterday, since I was not well, I did not even get out of my house!". " No", said the Wolf, "You were the one who hit me!". No, said the Calf, said, cannot you see? I do not have fully developed arms or horns. "Then It must be your brother". The calf said," I am the only offspring of my parents". 

Finally, the wolf said, "you know what, Since I think it was you who gave me this thought of being hit by you and abused by you, you must become my food now". And the wolf ate the Calf. 

Now, let's see what do we learn by this? 

Most people think Modern man has reason. He is a rational animal. But I do not think so. I think Modern man is a rationalizing animal like this wolf, who can go to any extent of foul reasoning to justify his biases. He wants to eat the calf, but he has to justify in his head why he is right in his decision. This is the predicament of the modern human civilization. 

From a student, who does not want to study, to a capitalist who deny climate change, you can see a whole bunch of human rationalization, humans are in a habit to not confront reality as it is, and dwell in some justifications that makes them think that they deserve to be where they are, their desires are justified, their behavior is justified or so. 

Let's see what I mean. 

In India, people refuse to pursue meditation and spiritual journey within because they enlist some reasons which are more or less towards the direction that People who have achieved that are more superior to them, they make them Gods, Buddha is a God, Mahaveer is a god, Krishna is a god, But they think they cannot be Gods or for that matter spiritually inclined or spiritually enlightened. They are not ready to confront the reality that they enjoy their desires. They enjoy the same things that torture them. They enjoy feeling humiliated. They enjoy feeling ashamed. Anything that could stop you from sitting quietly with yourself and your thoughts. 
Also, Inside the head of each Indian, are different God complexes that he has created. He thinks in one aspect or another, he is superior to other. An average Indian grows listening to stories of so many great men, Be it Krishna, to more recent like Gandhi, that he is already insecure before he turns 18. An average Indian feels a need to justify in his head how he is better than others, in order to live a peaceful life. 
But, he needs to ask, is this peace real? No, it is like sleeping on a pile of Gunpowder with a cigarette in your mouth. You are just a slip away from insanity. Insanity has replaced Insaniyat. An average man is a mad man. 

Only a mad man can bear reality to its full extent today. 
The truth is, No buddha was more superior to anyone living today. No, Mahaveer, No krishna was a god. They were ordinary people, if anything, who had courage and honesty to follow what they followed. 

Come to studies. You do no have enough honesty and courage to open your book and sit down patiently and study and you are constantly justifying why you deserve to procrastinate? Again, a rationalization and not reasoning. 
Listen to what Mr. Donald Trump says about Climate change. Just because you close your eyes of reason because all you are seeing is your shares, your revenues, and your business, does not mean nature will not destroy itself with all the discharge of human activities that is happening. 

I have only one advice to anyone who reads this. 

"Rationalization is a lie!" 

It is not rational to rationalize your desires. Wake up! Grow some balls and do what you always wanted to do or you need to do. Do not lie to yourself. Do not tell yourself stories to remain what you are. 

That is what Separates Communism from Fascism. Fascism is a story told by the regime to resist a change in economic structure. 
Communism is a story told not by the regime but by the people to bring change in the economic structure. 
Fascism was an attempt to save capitalism. Communism was to change it for the better. 

Be a communist! do not lie to yourself. Do not justify. You know what I am talking about. You know when your mind tries to fool you. Do not get fooled by your mind. Do not deprive yourself of the potential that you could become. 

And same to probably Mr. Donald trump. 


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