In Sociology and in general Theory, we have two types of theories, namely, Functional theory which describes the functional roles of institutions and systems in society whereas Second is Critical theory which critiques the systems and their role. 

I Present a third theoretical paradigm to you. I call it, Therapeutic Paradigm or Therapeutic Theory. This is that way of looking things which neither wishes to preserve the system in anyway, nor it wishes to critique it to change it. The primary assumption is that any system, however efficient, cannot satisfy human needs because of the sheer individuality of man. So, It just wishes to give peace to human beings who feel alienated and oppressed in oppressed systems. 

It is for their cope. Of course, the ideal way is to change things. But till then, Cope with Therapeutic theory. 

Its beginning works are done by Thinkers like Osho, J Krishnamurti etc. They are mostly spiritual thinkers who believe, however strong the material conditions are, however totalitarian, there are ways of freedom inside your head. Inside your mind, there are ways to outgrow it. And only a man, outgrown out of his material circumstances, can cope with and eventually change the system. 

In days to come, I will develop it through writings of Osho. 

His various commentaries on Spiritual texts will help us develop this theory. The only outcome of this exercise is to make a man free inside his head of his social and material conditioning due to which his conceptions of pleasure and pain derive from. 

Like, Lao tzu, the Chinese Philosopher puts it, the identification of good creates the evil. And so, the identification of pleasure creates the pain. We need to change the man, if the system needs to be changed. 

In this world, there have been two kinds of thinkers, one who wishes to change the subject of the system that is, man, and others, who wish to change the system of the subject, that is, socio-economic fabric. 

My concern is, maybe we need a healthy combination of the two. Both the system and the man need a overhaul. Imaginary perceptions of pain need to be dealt alike, and real perceptions alike. Not all problems deserve a systemic overhaul, and not all problems deserve a manual override. 

If you see Modern democracy, The Centre is rights. Give them rights. Let them decide what is better for them. If you see, traditional spirituality, it is teaching the man, giving him duties, Change the man basically. But, I need as a social thinker, we need to change systems and also as spiritual thinkers, if we see mental health as a social category, we need to change the man. We need both. 

For this, we indulge ourselves to this exercise. To change the way man views reality is what spirituality always attempted. I know this is the most anti-Marxist one can go. and there is no substitute of Actually changing the world, as Marx identifies. But I think, the extent to which Capitalism has captured our minds, we need to change minds as well. We need spiritual doctrines for that. For this, we need to indulge in Marx also, to know, how capital plays with our minds. 

This will create a robust, theoretical framework for more critical theory and then changes will follow. As Marx would put it, Philosophers have interpreted the world, now is the time to change it, I say, this is the time to re-interpret the man, before attempting to changing it. 


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