"What is the last problem you were talking about?" I asked him. After our discussions till now, I was now excited to know what he has to say. He said, "The final problem of all of existence is the conflict between our perceptions of good life and what is actually good life!" "But is not this subjective as to what is a good life? Isn't it on discretion of the individual what should be good for him?" "Yes, this is what you have been taught by the contemporary political science. Rights in the discourse of Political science, has been always a historical reaction to unfreedoms. All your granted freedoms are a reflection of your past unfreedoms. Article 17 in the Indian Constitution guarantees Abolition of untouchability. Hasn't there been untouchability in the past, there will not be any article in the constitution to protect them! This does not mean that the rights guaranteed by the constitution are the sole basis of freedom. They are subject t...