"What is the last problem you were talking about?" I asked him. After our discussions till now, I was now excited to know what he has to say.
He said, "The final problem of all of existence is the conflict between our perceptions of good life and what is actually good life!"
"But is not this subjective as to what is a good life? Isn't it on discretion of the individual what should be good for him?"
"Yes, this is what you have been taught by the contemporary political science. Rights in the discourse of Political science, has been always a historical reaction to unfreedoms. All your granted freedoms are a reflection of your past unfreedoms. Article 17 in the Indian Constitution guarantees Abolition of untouchability. Hasn't there been untouchability in the past, there will not be any article in the constitution to protect them! This does not mean that the rights guaranteed by the constitution are the sole basis of freedom. They are subject to history and historical process. The real test for freedom is the inner conscience of every individual, which remains untouched, untapped. In reality, what is good for an individual is only that which frees the individual. Mukti is the sole criteria for goodness. Anything other than that, that which binds the individual in future, cannot be called a proper good thing. Even if it sounds delightful. Have you asked yourself, what is genuinely freedom for you?"
"Wait, I did not understand this. I am not in some kind of slavery. Am I? I am an upper caste Hindu male coming from a middle class. Who is more privileged than me in this country?", I inquired. I become curious. Also, because I had a strong belief in Indian constitution, and I was not happy with the social conditions of the country. Rule of law was a joke even after 75 years of this country. Privileges were the way society operates. Caste, Gender, Religion and over all class prevailed. When Veer Das, the famous comedian said, "There are two Indias." I disagreed. There are at least 10 Indias. As you go down in the economic and caste strata, you will find more ancient and more conservative Indias, more hellish and more gruesome than the last". This was the reason of my lethargy that this country cannot change. But also, a little hope somewhere, which made me try this exam. More of the reason was personal, but somewhere I wanted to work for the marginalized, to make them mainstream. I am emotional for them, may be a little bit. I wanted to change things. But I was already born hopeless. Hopelessness towards welfare state is what the air around me got me. Nobody trusted the state. Especially the Indian state. Gone were the days of Nehruvian socialism, where a promise of "Swaraj" was there. Today, it was clear that the world is Foucauldian. A power quest between different groups called political parties prevailed. "The Iron law of Oligarchy" was the norm. In these historical contexts, I almost taunted him saying this. This came from a place of frustration towards society at large.
"Do you think only the marginalized are not free? The society which is feudal in its sole philosophy cannot leave any of its inhabitants. What do you think is the Philosophy of this Indian society?"
"I don't know, unity in diversity?"
"It is Caste. It is in the genes of this country and the culture. Caste is the Philosophy of Indian society. Let me tell you how. Why do you think there is so much charm about this Exam? Why everyone wants to be an IAS?"
"Because it is a luxurious job? It is falsely glamourized."
"So, first of all, you agree this is falsely glamourized. Secondly, the glamourization is secondary. The primary reason why people are attracted to IAS is because it is a government job. Government jobs are permanent in nature. It provides job security. and IAS comes in the pinnacle of these jobs. The Philosophy of caste is the following. The way it is in a hierarchy. The most hardworking is in the lowest rungs of the hierarchy. The topmost is the most falsely glorified. The only reason they are respected is because they made some rules of supersititions that they declared Dharma,
and this is how they almost decided what they will do and all they do are all symbolic and fictitious jobs. Hawan, puja, yagya. What do they fetch us? Air Pollution? Waste of timber and ghee? Only that. There job does not contribute in the welfare of society at large. And they are respected the most. What do you think this tell you about the nature and philosophy of this society?"
"That here respect is earned through caste?"
"This is a very narrow conclusion. The wider conclusion is, this society only respects someone who can exploit and eat, earn without working in the society. "Jo Baith ke Khayega, Wahi Ganga Nahayega"".
"Today's craze for government jobs can be traced to this very psyche of Indians. Give them luxury without having a necessity to work. A job security that promises them no-risk and no-emergency for life. This over-secure job makes them eligible for being lethargic and become the ultimate conservator of the same system it intends to change."
I found myself clueless.
He said further, "Just think about Akhilesh, your friend. Remember why he wanted to become an IAS? What was his prime motivation?"
I recalled in my mind. He once told me, "I have promised my father that I will become an IAS. Many of my family members are already in government services. Now, I have to keep my promise." That time, I really appreciated his adherence to his done promise. I felt he really respected his parents. I wondered how this person got to know about this.
He continued, "So, that is his motivation. This is his worldview. This he has been taught by the society, in this case, his own family. We do not even remember when we internalize this violence that they do with us. Before even our own wishes come to light, we learn how to listen our conscience's voice, a father's dream is forced through our throats. We do not even remember when we start worshipping these rapacious deeds. To penetrate through the conscience of a child and force a manufactured dream through his mind is equivalent to rape. Rape is what parents do. Rape is what the children start respecting."
"So, you are telling me, that these manufactured dreams are wrong? One should not become IAS?"
"I am telling you to consider the effects of the society at large on the individuals. Won't you agree that without right intent since the beginning, no good thing can actually be achieved? Do you think these are right intents? Are these even original intents?"
I felt guilty now. I felt as if I am Akhilesh. I felt my motivations might also be like these probably.
"No, You do not currently possess any solid intent, that is why I am talking you. You keep dangling. Sometimes you decide that you want to be an IAS for your parents, your grandfather, his pride. Sometimes you decide when you see something bad happening, an urge upsurges in you to change things as it is. Sometimes you just want freedom of the conditionings as it is. I have hopes with the third view of yours. Only this view of freedom is closer to Mukti."
"How can it be? Even I am not sure of what I want. I do not want this. I do not want anyone else deciding what religion I should be in. I should decide which person I should marry. I should decide what pictures to keep at my home. But, I do not know, if I reject all my parent's conditionings, and Grandparent's way of life, I do not know if I will be satisfied?"
"The most important thing is you want to lose those chains. Only thing to realize is your perceptions of happiness and a good life also derives from their perceptions only. But thank your luck, there are gaps in these perceptions. You want a happy life, but will you call your life happy, if you have to live with a person, who has literally bought you with an amount of money that this society calls, Dahej. Will you?"
A thought of scare rattled me from inside. I felt as if I saw hell. I said, "it will be hell".
"Precisely, people's perception of good life is very ignorant and delusional. People literally sell men for the name of Dahej. Which self-respecting man will accept this? But Delusion prevails. People take pride in taking money for sex. This is socially validated Prostitution. Now, the kind of thing you said. The way people live, this is Hell par excellence. But the minds of human beings are amazing. They convince themselves that they live happily this way only."
"There are numerous examples. People eat meat. That is, literally eating flesh and blood of other animals like them. What is closer to flesh of an animal? Flesh of a human or fibers of Plants? But Human beings justify this violence saying it is edible. They add spices and eat. Animals keep screaming. Animals cry. Animals die. Humans enjoy."
But, then, what is the way? How to know that what we are living is a perception of good life and not good life?
"A good life is an authentic existence. An existence where there are no exceptions between individual and collective goodness. What is good of anyone life must be good for all lives. Is eating meat good for the chicken? No, then it cannot be good for you who is eating them."
"An authentic existence rejects special privilege that the ego gives to oneself. When the ego doesn't place himself on top of everyone else, will not eat meat. He will not sell himself for sex. He will not degrade his companionship this easily."
"An authentic existence is based on Dharma. Dharma that is the act of listening to the inner conscience and to be able to do what is right without thinking about the consequences it will have on the ego. Ego is meant to suffer. Let it suffer. You keep doing what is right."
There are a lot many things about authentic existence. If you want it, I can tell you. But let me beware you. Knowing it will mean doing it. Once one knows it, He has no alternatives but to follow Dharma. Do you think you are in senses to listen?
I was still doubting it. I was scared. I was still not over the Hell surrounding our lives. I wanted 15 more minutes.
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