Birds are loved, so they never chase more than their nests, 

Fishes are loved, so they never chase more than food, 

Humans are not, so they form governments, they marry and such. 

A general perception about this is that Power is the ability to influence the decision making of others. This is the Political science definition of Power. And since, the whole discipline of Political science is concerned with how humans make their collective decisions, a more powerful person will be a politically more influential person. I call it, "Zindagi ko Dekhne ka Raajnitik Chashma!" 

Through this lens, you see every quality, instinct or behavior of humans as a tactic to grab hold of power. This view presumes, "why else would one person help other person if there are no selfish motives (Swaarth). People, of this school of thought like to call themselves mature, and their viewpoint objective. 

Any other viewpoint for them is either a childish or an obscener name that they give, "Ideal". 

But surely there exists other viewpoints, who do not subscribe to this aggressive lens of vision. This school does not claim to be all universal, rather its claims are somewhat subjective and local. It envisions that the same power relations can be viewed as people lacking love acting in particular ways. 

I call this, "Zindagi ko dekhne ka Adhyatmika Chashma!"  These people say, before asking how people collectively organize themselves and do collective decision-making, we should ask, what are we all doing on this planet? What are we going to end as? What are the coordinates of meaning available? Of course, these are questioning whose answer nobody knows, and hence, the first school rejected to engage in these. The only answer seems, we form collectives since we want security and freedom. But then the Adhyatmika school asks, why are you insecure at the first place? And why you have an obsessive need to pre-determine and ascertain everything for yourself in advance? From the breath in your throat to the food that you eat to the sleep that you get, don't you feel it is provided to you by this planet? And your worries will not matter. One day if suddenly it stops, which government will do what? What collective decision-making will save you? 

Then, it proceeds to give its version of truth. It says, Love thy existence. Love everything you got. From the breath to the water to the food to the shelter, do not search further security. If you feel insecure, Love thy insecurity. Children who were not loved as a child try to find that love in an adult relationship and they wish for a secure relationship and because of that, they tend to be controlling. Don't become a controlling child of Earth. Don't try to regulate everything. 

Do not try to fix everything. These are not imperfections. These are qualities. Your desire for beauty has made the differently beautiful insecure. Your desire for goodness and morality has made the differently moral and contextually moral as evil. Your categorizations made this world a duality. Do not categorize. Do not sort. Study without dissections. 

Work on your strengths as you hug yourself. Do not see your weaknesses as weaknesses but see them as differently strengths. All of your qualities are not just of market value, they are like fragrance of a flower, they are intrinsically beautiful. Love someone, Love all. Find someone and have in between a life, that does not feel like a conflict of power capture. That does not seem like a strive to reach somewhere. Life is all here and now. With all its insecurities and unfreedoms, it is but a complete package, the desire to reach to a more favorable place is but an aim to have power, A "will to power" if you will say. 

God works, but "will to power" does not. If you do not believe in God, believe in Love. Love works, Will to power does not. Love is not a power grabbing move. However, you see it like this only. For you, someone doing something for someone is the power of influence of the other. Love is how people talk. People feel becoming the other while remaining the same. Empathy is the base ground for love. You will probably never know. You are too wise. You are too reasonable. You are too un-naive. 

Finally, the happiest and the most peaceful people in the world will not be people who organize to form collectives, governments and marriages. The most peaceful and happiest will be those who love where they are, what they are, what their peers are, what their life is. Those who will remain ever obliged to existence for their life. Only loveless creatures will want to become kings or prime ministers or heads. Loving creatures have already become what they wished for. They become humans. Now, where they get a chance to shower their love from, is immaterial, they can be anything, from musician to Scientist, to Prime minister to beggar. 

Unfortunates are those who view loving people as powerless. Fortunate is the one who view power hungry people as loveless. 


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