I am not sorry for using a yet another provocative title which might trigger my liberal elite friends or rather my liberal elite acquaintances. But I am following the ways of my Favorite philosopher Slavoj Zizek. I stand by my title. Here's how. People, who today talk about mental health, try to club therapy and spirituality under the same box. They try to sell a sort of cocktail of meditation, positive affirmations, law of attraction and therapy under the same tagline, "Good for mental health". But This is the same as when one says, boiled chicken, Chicken curry, Chicken Mughlai and other chicken dishes are healthy for you. The thing to note here is that they are different things and on different levels affect our mental health. On one hand, these stupidities like law of attraction and positive affirmations are bull crap pseudoscience, On the other hand, Adhyatm, or the science of self-knowledge is like salad for your mental health. Let us expand. Psychology, till now,...