The biggest myth is causation. What causes what? What is the effect of what? Certainly, nothing can be said. Science breaks it to a simple principle. And maybe it is simple for physical processes. Rain is formed of clouds which are formed of evaporation from water bodies and there is a water cycle in place. In humans, what causes what in our day-to-day life is but an approximation. There are many causes that can be called causes of a given event. If this is true, the biggest issue of our life, doing action and desiring outcome becomes a sure sort of practice to suffer. 

If there is just a loose link between you doing your action and you getting your outcome, it is very weird why man should hope for outcomes from his action. Man, in essence, does not wish for outcomes, he wishes for happiness. Happiness too is loosely linked to the outcome at hand and so the whole network is lingering on loose links. 

ACTION-------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>> OUTCOME-------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>> HAPPINESS 

Not every action will surely bring outcomes desired and not all desired outcomes will bring desired levels of happiness. Action is an event of a fixed space time which ends with the end of the space time. Outcome similarly another such event. Why putting the whole burden of such eternal goal, that is happiness, on such weak and momentary stands. 

It is better to assume the event of outcome just an event of chance or coincidence. Note that there are many causes working together in a particular way to make an outcome possible. Chance is just the name for that. Ancient Hindu scriptures ascribe this to the doer or the creator of the universe. If you do not find it suitable, you can ascribe it to chance. 

The function of the creator is not assertion. It is just to ascribe a name. To say, God gives you outcomes only means you do not give yourself the outcome or your actions solely does not give you the outcome. 

In other words, to say God or chance is to say, "Not you". Here, whatever is not you is determines the outcome you desire. God means not you. Is there an external entity or the concept called God? God no!

Is there a universe playing dice which we are calling chance? If you want to picture it, the most accurate picture is actually this one. 


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