
Showing posts from August, 2024

Aadhyatma Challenge

 If Someone asks, how do you distinguish between a truly Adhyatmika and a truly Political person, The answer is very simple. If a person wants to make the whole world understand something related to him, if he wants the world to admit his set of beliefs, he is a political man. If, on the other hand, he wants to understand himself, since he wonders about it, and he does not understand himself, He is an Adhyatmika man.  Since a long time, I wanted to do this challenge. I will go on working on myself, through the routine of life. I will listen to Osho's Mahageeta commentary and will post a blog of my understanding. This daily ritual will be my way of Saadhna. Yes, this is that simple. I hope, doing this can make me more disciplined and may be a little closer to myself. 


The biggest myth is causation. What causes what? What is the effect of what? Certainly, nothing can be said. Science breaks it to a simple principle. And maybe it is simple for physical processes. Rain is formed of clouds which are formed of evaporation from water bodies and there is a water cycle in place. In humans, what causes what in our day-to-day life is but an approximation. There are many causes that can be called causes of a given event. If this is true, the biggest issue of our life, doing action and desiring outcome becomes a sure sort of practice to suffer.  If there is just a loose link between you doing your action and you getting your outcome, it is very weird why man should hope for outcomes from his action. Man, in essence, does not wish for outcomes, he wishes for happiness. Happiness too is loosely linked to the outcome at hand and so the whole network is lingering on loose links.  ACTION-------------------------------------------------------->>>...

Katham Gyanam? How Knowledge?

                                                         कथं ज्ञानमवाप्नोति, कथं मुक्तिर्भविष्यति। वैराग्य च कथं प्राप्तमेतद ब्रूहि मम प्रभो II Lord Janaka asked, "How knowledge could be obtained? How Emancipation is possible? How Vairagya can be obtained? Tell me this O my lord". Usually, the easiest thing to us today is knowledge. May be not easier than the flow of information, but surely It is today very easily available. The availability of knowledge is so much that the precious ones, the ordinary ones, get mixed up and people even value less to the timeless knowledge of all times.  How Knowledge? this question is not a question of epistemology. This question is a fundamental question of existence. Is there an authentic way of getting knowledge? One might argue that Authentic experience can lead to authentic kn...

Aadhyatma vs Raajneeti

How do we define Politics? A political science student might argue that it concerns itself with the affairs of the State. But State is but one manifestation of a greater narrative. That narrative is Organizing the collective lives of people. Politics truly refers to the Study of how people organize their collective lives. State is just one organization of how people decided at some point in history to organize themselves. Family is another political institution. Isn't family political? I do not think anyone would like to make that statement. Any institution that concerns with man today has to decide about collective lives of people comes under the ambit of politics. So, by default, the social is political, personal is political and economic too is political. But this classification assumes one serious assumption hidden. That is, the division between of two categories, viz. The individual and the people. When is a person, used here in a normal connotation, just an individual and whe...