21-12-2023 (I am One and I intend to be many)

 Dips of depression leaves you no choice but to not be able to write anything. Three days passed by, and I did not write anything. But here I am, again to write something. Today I am thinking of writing about biographies. The reader of a biography thinks he knows the person better now. But, thinking about it, I do not think this is true at all. In an earlier blog, I created a concept of how a word travels from its etymology to become just a mute symbol with, history ascribes on it a meaning. I think, this happens to a person when he dies. The complex search of meaning that drives the person to do what he does for the whole life. He changes world views, in response to dilemmas of life. This is often seen as contradictions in the personalities of people apparent to the reader reading about them. But these contradictions appear over the period of time and sometime simultaneously coexists within the person. A person like me, A swift Machiavellian, cunning piece of a person, am already so disjointed inside. We, as humans, especially people, who have times to analyze their lives, find that we are fundamentally broken pieces of personalities. Osho might call me an individual, which is the proper way of existing whereas for the world, I am a contradiction which will make me an ideal subject to do a hermeneutics study for a political science researcher. Osho says that the contradiction appears because we see everyone through a lens of personality. An eternal obligation to appear as a single personality is but a mental shortcoming of the human mind is what he means. We, human beings, boast of intelligence but our intelligence is too limited in some sense. We can find contradictions because our minds cannot comprehend the coexistence of opposites. A tree grows from its own opposite, i.e. a seed. A seed starts dying the moment a tree starts growing. Days and nights do not occur one after another. One grows into the other. The stars and the moon start to celebrate the night, the moment the sun becomes a little less bright. This coexistence of Light and darkness is intrinsic to the nature of a human. Being human is being logically incomprehensible. A biographer is always going to be confused. he knows, what people will tell him, people will tell him what they know, they might even lie. In my case, I already feel sad for my biographer because The people who he will contact will end up lying since they do not know shit about me. I have told them all kind of lies about my family, my friends, my relationships and most of all my traumas. I had a pretty simple life, nothing happening. But my fundamentally Narcissistic desire for me to be happening in all aspects of my life made me create stories. Some of my closest friends might even know this. I will not reveal who, let my biographer struggle a bit. How self-centered one has to be in order to think of having a biographer at the age of 24, I say yes! But I am a self-aware one! I know I have these tendencies, which makes me afraid of myself. But I am more afraid of my self-awareness sabotaging me from the greatness i am destined to achieve. Yes! I am this obsessed. The future generations will have never been able to comprehend how a great person, a larger-than-life person thinks. They see great people with the lens of a Biographer which is intrinsically flawed. Let me myself hint you and leave you a note on how a great person thinks. Today, I am not great but once I get hold of power, I will show what can I do. I will not shy away from power. This will be my tribute to the giants who inspire me, Atal ji, Gandhi ji, Bhagat Singh and most of all Baba Saheb. This variety of chunk! yes! In my opinion, greatness does not have a single political wing. I get inspired by all these people because these people outgrow the capabilities of a person which I also intend to do. That is what I think is the aim of human existence. Upanishads say this loud and clear, "Eko aham Bahushyamah!" or I am one and I want to be many! Yes! I have rivalries and some serious hatred towards some specific people, and I am not shy about it. One day, when I get hold of power, the days after that day will mark as the end of these people. I will make a living hell out of the lives of these people. I will leave this job as well to my biographer to search who are these people. People who know me, will report you about a Messiah of a person that they saw in me but This document will be able to challenge all the legends about me in future where I am myself writing what a hell of a passionate and ambitious person I am and how much hate is there in me. The world has harnessed the power of hate from time to time. I intend to harness the same. The world is going to witness another larger-than-life personality in coming 60 years only with one difference :- This time, The person is self-aware and has announced it beforehand.  


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