Vedanta: A light in the darkest of times (Lecture 1 Shloka1)

 I have wandered and wandered all my life and all I have done is to return back home. 

~ Mahatma Gandhi 

yes, I will have to admit that this is true for me as well. But My home is made out of me. I do not let it engulf myself. I know it will be called ego in vedantic sciences, but it is vedanta and not vendetta. I will give it my touch. My aim in these writings will be to use Vedanta as an individual Philosophy and merge it with the collective philosophy of Marxism and how to do it remaining an Atheist. 

Enjoy your symptom as thyself. Life is a disease. What is the name of this disease? Vedanta calls it "the Samsara" disease, rather "the Samsara Syndrome." how a syndrome is different from disease? A syndrome often has a greater number of symptoms. There are three symptoms of the "The Samsara Syndrome." 

1. Raga 

2. Shoka

3. Moha 

Raga is attachment. Attachment to people, objects and things. Attachment is inevitable. To live in Samsara in to indulge in Samsara via Attachments. A thing to note here is that Vedantic philosophy is not anti-love. It just posits that you cannot love without successfully attaining detachment, that is, training your mind how to detach yourself from "the Samsara". Love brings freedom. Attachment brings slavery. Love is the highest form of consciousness. It is the great fall one can fall. To fall in love is to fall out of the Samsara. 

Shoka is sorrow. This symptom is the bye-product of Raga. If you are attached dearly to someone, something or someplace, Impermanence of the thing, person or object will keep you wanting when it will be there for you in the form of Raga, it will also keep you wanting after it is gone in the form of Shoka. 

Moha is Delusion. Again, a bye-product of Raga and Shoka, it is the blinding of intelligence. It is the derived symptom of Shoka and Raga which compels one to indulge in "the Samsara". Indulging in the Samsara is manifestation of Moha. Your body is impermanent. It's journey of Birth to death only can be finished just now as you read this, and I write this. Why then, this Delusion? Why indulge? 

Dhritrashta Oowaacha

"Dharmkshetr-e Kurukshetr-e Samveta-a yuyutsava.

Maamkah pandavahchaiva kim akurvata Sanjayah!"

"Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah!", One who saves dharma is saved by it. What is Dharma? The Duty is Dharma. The one who does Duty is saving it from extinction. In turn, the duty saves him. What it saves from? "The Samsara", The disease called "the Samsara". Dhritrashtra is king. He could have ordered no war and there would have been none. Duryodhana was merely a prince. The King is helpless in Moha. He indulged in "the Samsara". If he would have performed his duty, he wouldn't have. He fell into the attachment with his son. He will have to suffer through sorrow as well. He could have controlled. Similarly, you could have controlled. How many times in your life have you indulged in the Samsara, where you could have done your duty and be done with it. How many times, you lost the sense of intellect and fell into this grand delusion. How many times you have cried because of this disease of humankind? How many times you Sobbed and screamed and thought of death. Yes, of course, Death is the permanent cure of the disease of Life. But What if the symptoms of the disease "The Samsara" persist after Life? So, does the disease have a permanent cure? Vedanta is the journey to find such answer. Yes, the answer exists. Take my word for it. I know. I may not know it completely, but I know. I want to fall in love. I want to love someone so much that I may redeem my sins for this life. But Love is the state of giving without being insecure about getting. That level of security is possible. Possible only by getting out of the disease. Get well soon and there is love and love alone in this world. When it will be no longer the Samsara, no longer the miseries will be, No longer will it pain, No longer will be the suffering. Follow me, O Disciple, For I can help you and me both. All of us are born Masculine. Masculine is selfish. Man is selfish. He wants. The goal is to rest in the feminine. To be feminine is to be selfless. Be your own mother. Don't be your own father. Don't be the father of the world. Be the mother of the world. The world has had many fathers. It needs motherly love. It needs selfness love. It needs care. It needs institutions that can provide. Come out of darkness, O son! Come out in Light, My daughter! For You have to be a mother one day. To make world a motherly place, a place of care. This caring world is the world of communism. Communism means where the community and the collective consciousness is towards care of the individual. The individual feels secure in the mother's lap. The collective is meant to be a mother's lap. Communism is the end goal whereas Vedanta is both the beginning and the path towards it. 

~ Vibhat Kumar 


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