
Showing posts from January, 2021


We all start living our lives(getting in our senses) after a point where it was previously controlled by other people. Our parents to be precise. We try to get to know things after a certain age. Before that, We are conditioned to accept the rules of this game as if we all are accustomed to this custom of knowing.  As a result, we don't understand what does it mean to know something even beyond a certain age. Some people don't understand it in their entire lives. So philosophy seperates a special branch of itself to study the meaning of knowledge itself, viz. Epistemology.  Philosophers  love precise definitions. Let's define some basic terms in this discipline.  Ok! Philosophers love to argue. Obviously, they argue better than scholars on internet or to be specific, trolls on Internet. The tools that philosphers have in an argument are with everybody. Philosphers just understand them better.  1) Assertion :  Assertion is the linguistic act eith...


Hey Only brain Human bodies! Today is the day for Empiricism. Till Skepticism, The world had fallen in a deep abyss of doubt. RenĂ© Fought with the " Evil Genius " by something called " Rationalism",  Which is a way of thinking in which we consider that our senses may be false but the ideas that we develop in our minds can't be, if the ideas are thought in a truly rational manner.  He went on thinking and concluded " I think therefore I am". Imagine RenĂ© thinking all this today at 3,    Memes aside and aside Rationalism, there was another way of thinking regarding this, namely, Empiricism.  Empiricism is the way of thinking in which we think that the immediate reality that we experience by using our sense organs is the ultimate reality. Reason and rationality may lead us to truth but observation of immediate reality by sene organs may beat rationality Sometimes. The self evident truths are all Empirical because you don't prob...


Hey Intellect thirsty folks! Let's start today's blog with a story.  Long ago, There was a tribe of human civilisation living in a cave. They used to reside all inside the cave only and their only source of contact with the immediate world around them was the shadows of the outer World that used to fall on the walls of the cave from outside. They were not able to see themselves because of darkness but they could easily see the Shadows. As a result, 3-D was not even a concept for these people. They used to think that the world is 2-Dimensional. One day one of the guys somehow, instead of seeing the shadows tried to touch them and due to the little light available around the shadows, He was able to see himself. Now He followed the light to reach outside the cave. Firstly his eyes were too full of light to see the World out there. But as soon as, things became normal, He was able to see the world. The World which was 3-D , beautiful colours all around and birds flying....


Once we are equipped with the philosopher's toolbox i.e. The Socratic method of reasoning, We are ready to dive into the questions of Philosophy.  So were the Intelligent people of Ancient times.  In this Blog, We will look into the types of questions that our Ancestors have asked and thus the classification of the discipline of philosophy according to the different questions.  Ancient Thinkers in Athens began by classifying ideas around them as "Philos" and "Mythos" , today known as "Science" and "Storytelling" respectively. There were people like Homer who thought we can understand this World through Stories while there were people like Socrates who decided to investigate the truth of the World via Scientific method.  Philosophy was, in ancient times, the only discipline existing along with literature. It was called the "Natural Philosophy".  Everything was philosophy back then. With time, thinkers needed to classify t...


Hey Rational Animals, What's up? So, we are to finish what we have started in the last blog, The Socratic method.  The two more processes that are parts of the Socratic method are:- 1. The inductive method  2. The Abductive method The inductive method:- Deduction works only if we have a complete set of premises about the matter we want to draw a conclusion of. But in real world which is ignorant, We can only work in terms of probabilities about truth of certain things because we never have the complete set of true premises . The simple reason for that is that the world's so big and probably limitless, so the truth about a certain thing can't be generalized.  Let's take an example of cats. If someone tells you that he has counted the no. of cats in the Universe and it is 1 billion. Would you believe it to be true? No! You should not, because The Universe which observable may have this many number of cats but every second, lights from more distant galaxies are...


EVERY OTHER SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE IS JUST AN APPLICATION OF PHILOSOPHICAL METHODS.  Why do you need to care about Socrates? About Stoicism? Skepticism? Or any other -isms? You must have heard people who claim they don't belong to any "-isms" anyhow. It's quite amusing to see how people think just asking silly questions about existence or just thinking about how the world must function, how the economic systems progress is Philosophy. Thinking about these topics in philosophy are just like talking about black holes only in physics. These questions are part of just a populist culture.  Philosophy is an account of how we humans reason things. It is the "way" of asking any question and trying to contemplate answers regardless of what question you ask. It may be the most common looking question that you encounter in your lives. And since every Scientific discipline is just asking questions and trying to give answers, philosophy has to do with every discipline.  M...


When people talk, they lay lines on each other, do a lot of role playing, sidestep, shilly-shally and engage in all manner of vagueness and innuendo. We do this and expect others to do it, yet at the same time we profess to long for the plain truth, for people to say what they mean, simple as that. Such hypocrisy is a human universal.                                  ~ Steven Pinker  Hypocrisy is an evil trait, that's what we perceive it in objective terms. We tend to criticise people who are not upto their words and this criticism may range from humiliating to public shaming to gossiping and so on. Now, the matter of discussion here is that there is a field of Psychology called Psychoanalysis that claims to explain this human behavior of hypocrisy and the reactions of people toward hypocrisy. Some claim that it is a conscious act that people do for personal gains(Majority,because you know we prete...


In the Last blog, I gave a hint on what would be the next blog about, by a picture,   In this picture, you can see apparently it is an irony how the all similar looking fellows are mocking the different looking "in formals" guy calling him a conformist. Although This hypocrisy of the woke culture and the obsession of being unique is the most recent thought process one can think of ( Yes, this is your capability memers, you can't think out of the box, you only go with the flow) , There was a philosopher named Hegel who saw this pattern before the birth of any memer I guess, and he tried to Explain it in his so called "Dialektik" or Dialectic . The question that  we are addressing in this blog is much more generalizing than this meme,  the question is " Is there any pattern between successive selections of beliefs? Can we say we are organisms with free will Or we are just programmed individuals who think systematically, always programmed to think ...


The postmodernist philosophers claim that we now live in a post ideological era. Nobody really subscribes to any particular ideology anymore.  The cult Of Cultural Marxism is over, capitalism was criticised well enough by Marx so nobody today identifies himsef/herself as a capitalist (at least not in this way so that it looks evil, you know we all have a habit to justify our shit by calling it muffin).Also the actual philosophies of the 19th Century are also changed a lot in these years by intervention of people who subscribed to the ideology in those days. So do we live in a world where nobody believes truly in anything but just faking it for the sake of Political and Social correctness? Of course, Calling yourself a Marxist will lead you in trouble among your wanna be intellectual friends and being a capitalist too.  In the series of blogs,  we are going to discover, are we truly free not to choose in this world of post ideology or your consent about not to choose can b...