When I was in my tenth standard, I read an eassy by an Indian intellectual, Kaushalyayan, Addressing an issue of Culture and Civilisation. He addressed a crucial question of human curiosity. He argued why are we curious? The answer he provided was sort of ambiguous but in a nutshell, It is so because the prehistoric man had nothing to do once he fulfilled his need of Food, Clothing and Shelter.I was quite convinced at that time about this reason. But later on, As all people go through a metamorphosis of thinking process and so did I. Can Curiosity be just an extension of basic human needs? Or is it some other desire of human mind to be curious? Is there some philosophical dimension to curiosity itself? Does it make you curious? It makes me enough. Later in my life, I satisfied myself with a self made answer. The answer I gave myself was simple, "CREATIVITY IS THE INNATE CAUSE OF CURIOSITY!" I used to believe that human beings are intrinsically creativ...